
  "Millionaires -In-The-Making"  
Millionaire Mentoring  & Training System©


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There are Three Ways to Grow a Business … Any Business!
  • Increase the number of clients.
  • Increase the average transaction value.
  • Increase the frequency of repurchase – get more residual value out of each client

What happens when that one approach becomes less effective? Your business diminishes and you begin to lose market share. Obviously your income will also decrease and that is precisely the situation we want to avoid.

The ‘Cash Flow - On - Cruise Control’ System uses marketing strategies designed to ‘get more traffic’  to your website on an ongoing and ever increasing basis

The key to your SUCCESS is to master one Module, implement it and then ADD the next one. You should continue adding more Modules until you have 5 or more different ways of bringing new people in.

It’s not important that you understand all the aspects of ‘The System’ perfectly - THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO GET STARTED, and make things happen!

    Are you ready to start receiving an extremely high, eye-popping income!...Let’s Start!

    Warm Market Marketing
    Our friends, family, and anyone you personally know are referred to as your warm market.

    DO you know that most people do Referral Marketing Everyday, but they just don't get paid for it! If you are like most people, every day you RECOMMEND and PROMOTE what you like.

    There are 2 types of people in the world:

    1. Those that receive a check for word of mouth advertising!  
    2. Those who don't!
    Have you ever recommended or promoted a product? How many times have you recommended a product or service to somebody in the last year, month, week...or even today?

    The fact is that everyone recommends and promotes products! 

    You tell your friends, family and co-workers about:
    • A great restaurant you ate at
    • The movie you saw last night
    • A good joke you heard
    • A good accountant
    • A new store to shop at with great bargains
    • Cool websites to look at
    • Investing and stock tips
    • What kind of computer to buy
    • A great book to read  

     Did you ever get a check in the mail from...
    • The movie theater showing the movie you tell everybody to go see
    • The restaurant you tell everybody that is so good
    • The new store you told everybody about because of the great bargains

    Do ANY of your friends get checks like that for ALL of those things they are ALWAYS recommending to you? Well I don't know about you, but I never have.

    So, you are probably wondering right now, how do I get-paid-then?

    Well, if we are doing Referral Marketing everyday but never receive a check for it, you might as well join a Referral Marketing company and get-paid for what you are already doing!

    Put our system to work for you and create WEALTH and TIME FREEDOM for you and your family!

    3-Steps to YOUR Success!
    • Call
    • Send Letter / email / text
    • Follow-up

    The Call:
    Hi <NAME>, Hi how are you – chit chat – etc; ……<NAME>, I have to make this quick.  Recently, a good friend of mine shared some really incredible information with me! He/She gave me information on how to ‘Own Your Life’, which means that you have the time, money and health to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

    With your permission I would like to send the information for your review.  May I I send it to you? (If Yes - Send text #1 Right Away! - See below.)

    When will you be able take a look? Great!  (Schedule an appointment ASAP and follow up.
    )  I’ll call you @ _______ is that OK?


    Call the next person and so on...until you have 6 and then help them to get their 6...And so on.


    Text Messages to a friend

    (The character limit for a single SMS message is 160 characters. However, most modern phones and networks support concatenation; they segment and rebuild messages up to 1600 characters)



    Hi NAME, Here’s the info I promised you.

    Call 1- 484-878-3036 for a 2-minute overview and see


    Hello, How's it going? If you have any questions don't hesitate to let me know. When ready, join here please:


    After you review the info let's get together, set up your sites and get this party started.

    The Follow-up call:
    <NAME>, Thanks for watching the video. I have just one question to ask you....Are you an A, B or C person?

    A - Ready to get started now!
    B - Looks good, but I have few questions?
    C - It's not for me ....

    It they are A or B. GREAT! (Get them started right away, but no more then 24-48 hours later. Plug them into the system, and the TRAINING AND help them to get started to duplicate.

    If he or she is an C … Ask Mr./Ms. C if they know anyone who would like to learn about having a better LIFESTYLE (more MONEY and TIME). If you get a referral have your friend make the introductions.


    After he or she joins send this letter:

    Subject: Welcome to the T.E.A.M!

    SMS Text Marketing
    SMS Voice & Text Set-up


    Give out Business Cards


    Magazine & Newspaper Advertising 
    Advertising in magazines and newspapers can be a very powerful way to drive traffic to your site. You can easily target specific geographic locations and reach a large group of people for a low cost of advertising dollar.

    Home Business Magazine
    Nationwide Newspapers 
    Advertising Services: Wolf Enterprises

    With 5 to 12 hours a week and a tiny shoestring budget, you can build a 6-figure income for yourself in ANY network marketing company without ... relying on luck...quitting your job...taking unnecessary risks...or giving up any of the things you enjoy....To assure constant flow of people taking a look at our program we market, we use Opp Seeker Leads

    After you purchase the leads, please use the “3-Step Formula” to work the leads:

    The 3-Step Formula means you call, and email your prospects. Call back and collect their decision. This is the KEY to my entire system.

    The Phone Call: 
    “Hello, this is >>YOUR NAME<< calling you from YOUR TOWN AND STATE.

    The reason I’m calling is because you were kind enough to respond to our national advertising campaign and based on the information in front of me it looks like you are interested in making money from home on a part-time basis. I’m calling to let you know that I’m emailing you a link where you can get more information about our program and system.

    When you get to the site, you will be given access to information you need to make an educated business decision and know for sure if our program and system is for you. My web site is

    My phone number and contact information will be in the email, but just in case you don’t get the email, my name is Richard Oleszyk and my phone# is 201.708.7093

    Have a great day!”

    Now, if you’re like me, you don’t like making 10 phone calls to the same person by leaving message after message. If and when you do that, you lose posture and they will NEVER call you back. I only make one or two phone calls when I first contact my new prospects.

    I am acting like a head-hunter and that I have a $100,000 a year job available and I’m taking interviews for few people in the next 30 days. I’m going to call you about it, send an email and then mail you a postcard in the mail.

    Now, if you were a head-hunter and you had a list of 100 - 400 people to contact would you leave countless “begging” phone messages to your candidates? Or, would you have a ton of posture and say:   “Here it is, if you want more information, I’ll give it to you, if not, I’ve got 100+ other people to contact this month!”

    My first call isn’t to SELL them or get their credit card for Auto-ship. Even if I tried on my first call, I can’t sign anyone up. Why not? Because they don’t either know, like or trust me yet. That’s the reason for the 3-step process… it gives me 3 attempts to get their attention and for them to warmup to me.

    I’m basically turning a COLD lead into a WARM Market lead with this.



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