
  "Millionaires -In-The-Making"  
Millionaire Mentoring  & Training System©

The Six Figure Recruiting Secrets Revealed!

Change Your Mind - Change Your LIFE - Change Your Bank Account!


Discover why some people collect big checks consistently and others do not working the same program, in the same city and even having the same sponsor. 

What is their Secret? 

What do they know that allows them to write their own check? 

When you understand and apply the lessons below you also
will be able to write your own check... 

What goes through your prospects mind?
Why 3 deep?
Eliminate Buyers Remorse
Needs And Wants
List Building
Let The Government Help
More Free Networking Skills

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ARTICULATE Plug-In (free) available in GOOGLE Play or iTunes App Store.

  Please Take Good Notes!  

"The Power of ONE!"

Most people think that to be successful you need to sponsor hundreds
if not thousands of people. That could not be further from the truth.
To be successful in Referral Marketing, also known as Network Marketing
or MLM, all you need to do is to sponsor one interested and motivated
individual per month and teach him or her how to duplicate.

If you understand this one principle and put it into practice your
success is assured! 



The Power of One

Many people think this business is about recruiting as many people as you can – IT’S NOT!

You want to attract the right kind of people.  People you enjoy working with.  People who are willing to take action to make it happen.

Don’t get all caught up in trying to have big numbers. Focus on learning how to attract just one person a month. Even if it took you a month or two to learn how to attract one person a month, I assure you once you do it can make you extremely wealthy.

Let me show you how the process of duplication can realistically achieve a substantial income in just 12-24 months.

The key is using the principle of  DUPLICATION, and learning to attract just one person. One person that’s ready, willing and committed to their success.

You simply show this new person how to use the System to attract just  one other new member each month, for the next 12-24 months, just like you.

Each person simply focuses on attracting one person a month and teaching them how to do the same.

DUPLICATION in very small numbers is way better than enrolling 20 people yourself from some big campaign and not knowing how to duplicate! Why? Because duplication creates a very powerful doubling effect.

If you could double your efforts each and every month while teaching others to do the same, you will do incredibly well. Guaranteed.  So your goal is to simply attract one person a month. Get good at it so you can show others how to do the same thing.

Guess what, once you learn how to do it (I know we haven’t talked about it yet) you simply show other people how to use our system to do the same thing.  Our software, leads, and training will make this very easy for anyone that’s serious and sticks to our proven plan.

With everyone attracting only one person a month your group will be growing and your team will be sharing in the power of duplication. This can go on forever because their new people learn to do the same thing.   A real “walk away” income and a win-win for everyone.

Look what would happen to your business when it grows by only one person a month.  This is an example of you attracting only 1 person each month for 12 months, and teaching them to use the system so they can do the same thing.

Month    # Of Distributors

     01     1
     02     2
     03     4
     04     8
     05     16
     06     32
     07     64
     08     128
     09     256
     10     512
     11     1024
     12     2048
Total:     ????

A Few Key Points About This Chart

At six months, you have only about 1.5% of your ultimate downline organization. Don't be discouraged by this. As you see, the dramatic growth comes shortly. Unfortunately, in network marketing, most people are out of a program long before the 6th month, so they never benefit from the exponential growth.

You'll probably lose money for the first 4-6 months. We all know the old saying that it "takes money to make money." Nowhere is this more true than in Network Marketing. It'll cost you money to join your program, pay monthly fees, pay for marketing materials, get leads, follow them up, etc. However, if you and your organization are doubling monthly, that's what you should be focused on.

The minimal amount of money you spend in the first six months will be offset by the substantial amount of money you make afterwards. The doubling doesn't stop at 12 months!

The methods that have brought you this degree of success, are the methods you must continue to use thereafter for even greater rewards.

So, how do you get started?  Post Your Objective! Personally, I'm a planning fanatic. I have daily, weekly, monthly, yearly... and even lifetime plans. My ability to plan and to stay focused on the plan is one major reason for my own success. And one key component of the plan is posting your objective where you can see it daily and check your progress.

Where's a good place? That depends on your situation. Personally, I like it on computer, where, I can see my current objectives first thing every morning. You may prefer a big poster... or a slip of paper affixed to your laser printer. The important thing is that you can see it EVERY DAY so that you can check your progress against it easily. Remember, each minute you're either achieving your objective, or you're moving farther away from it. There are no exceptions. Thus, at all times you must remember what your objective is... and ensure that you're doing what's necessary to achieve it.

Your objective here? Over 2000 new members in your organization by one year from today. Is it achievable? IT MOST ASSUREDLY IS!

At the end of 12 months you and those on your team will be duplicating.
You couldn’t stop it even if you wanted to.

Duplication and the “Power of One” gives you over 2,000  people in your organization at the end of one year.  Let me tell you even half that is a huge income every month.  In this simple example, you would have duplicated your business 2048 times. Just think, what would your business be like if you duplicated one person a week, rather than our example of one a month.

We see many people that attract more than one a month and you can too, but the fact is that by simply focusing on one new member at time you’ll be well on your way to creating a happy duplicating downline. Done correctly its fun and very rewarding.

Remember, that duplication may be slow to get started, but pays massive dividends in the form a large residual income and a lifestyle that many others will never be able to enjoy.

Focus on one person at time and you’ll be laying a very powerful foundation for success!

 Compound Interest & The Power of Multiplication

The secret to getting is the miracle of compound interest. Even modest returns can generate real wealth given enough time and dedication.

To make compounding work for you:
  • Start early. The earlier you start, the more time compounding has to work in your favor, and the wealthier you can become. The next best thing to starting early is starting now.
  • Make regular investments. Don’t be haphazard. Remain disciplined and do whatever it takes to maximize your contributions.
  • Be patient. Do not touch the money. Compounding only works if you allow your investment to grow. The results will seem slow at first, but persevere. Most of the magic of compounding returns comes at the very end. 

Multiple Streams of INCOME!

WHY the Rich get Richer

17 Ways Rich People and Poor People Think Differently

Get back to the person who referred you to this program and system, have your questions answered and join us in creating incredible lifestyle!


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