Follow-Up Letters

If your finances do not permit you to get an Automated marketing system like Home Success Pro, set up MailChimp to capture email addresses and send letters manually.

Letter #1

SUBJECT: Common Dilemma and a Cure for a LEAN Wallet!


Opening - V 1

Hi, My name is Renee Xxxxxxxxxx and I've been employed as
a part time/full-time worker for most of my adult life.

With family obligations, never ending debt and a job that was
not paying enough to live well debt f.ree I was stuck in the "rat
race" with NO hope of ever getting out.

Check out my profile...

Over the past few years I realized that there is NO WAY that I'd 
be able to pay off all my bills and have a good life by clocking
in and working a regular 9-5 job. I realized I need to find a way
to leverage time, systems, and the Internet to create it.

Opening - V 2

Hi, My name is Kayla Hxxxxxxxxx. I'm a college student just 
starting out but believe me I have substantial bills. College tuition,
clothing, food, etc.

Check out my profile...

I've seen my mother struggle in the "rat race" for a substantial
portion of her life. 

Yes, she was an employee getting scraps while her employer
was getting top dollar of her efforts.

Over the past few years I realized is that there is NO WAY that 
I'd be able to pay off all my bills and have a good life by clocking
 in and working a regular 9-5 job. I realized I need to find a way 
to leverage time, systems, and the Internet to create it.

Introducing the Cash Flow On Cruise Program & System.

With this simple straight forward program & plan every day 
can be a payday that gets bigger and bigger over time...And isn't
that you want?

Check out the CURE for a 500+ hour work week and a lean wallet!
See it now...

Once I got this concept down, and started implementing things I learned, 
my life has never been the same.

Take a look at our system and join me
in creating a Lifestyle that others
can truly be envious of.

The CFOCC System, see it now.


Reach out to me if anything is not clear or you have questions.

Talk soon.

To Your Extraordinary Success,

Kayla Hillenius
Cell:  201.637.xxxx

P.S. Start NOW. Your Future & Fortune Depend on it!



SUBJECT: Are you looking for a breakthrough?

When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working time
and time for things you have to do each and every day of your life,
most people don't have more than one or two hours each day to do what
they like to do and then, would they have the money to do it with?

We have discovered a way for you to learn how to "On Your Life" by building
a home based business and we have a system for doing it that is so simple
anyone can do it. It doesn't require selling and the best part is it won't
take much of your time.

Click here to get the full story and to experience the power of the
system for yourself.

Join us in crating a "Movie Star" lifestyle for yourself and your family.



To Your Future Success,

Rich Oleszyk

P.S. Start where you can...But Get Started NOW!
Your FUTURE & FORTUNE Depend on it!



SUBJECT: Power of the Multiplier

Greetings Fellow Wealth Seeker,

Internet marketing can be worked the SMART way or the HARD
way. It's the easiest business in the world if you work it the SMART way.

But, if you work it the HARD way it has four major drawbacks---

+++ It takes a lot of TIME!
Are you discouraged after spending countless hours
each day at your computer, just to wind up with zip?

+++ It takes a lot of EXPERIENCE!
Are you frustrated joining programs that are SUPPOSED to be designed
for newbies only to find out you have to be a rocket scientist
to figure 'em out?

+++ It takes a lot of BUCKS!
Are you just plain sick-and-tired of not MAKING any profits while that
black hole on your desk called your computer continues to TAKE dollars
month after month?

Tell me somethin'. Would YOU be interested in---

+++ A fully automated system that generates - not just one, or two
    but five streams of income while you're at a ball game with the kids?

+++ A fully automated system that you can operate in just one half hour,
    once each day?

+++ A fully automated system that generates genuine prospects
    each day - automatically?

You ARE interested?

Well, then, drop what you're doing and follow me to the website below:



---and if something is unclear don't hold off for a second to contact me.

My name is Rich Oleszyk. You can CONTACT me at or CALL me at 201.708.7093

Do I have ALL the answers?  Geez, I wish I did!
I don't know everything, but I'm always happy to help out a fellow
Internet marketer.

Talk soon.

To Your Extraordinary Success,

Rich O
Cell:  201.637.xxxx


SUBJECT: Yes, I want YOU to be lazy!

Greetings Fellow WEALTH Seeker,

I know you've heard all that stuff about "keeping your nose to the
grindstone" and how you have to work 50 hours a day, 8 days a week
to be successful, but I'm here to tell you---

It just ain't true!

Y'see the idea is that you don't have to work HARD;  you need
to work SMART.

Every successful Internet marketer I've ever known has been
downright lazy to the core. We're SO lazy, in fact, that we're
always trying to find ways to SIMPLIFY our marketing - make
it easier and faster.

We have better things to do than sit in front of a computer until
our eyes are bloodshot and our fingers are worn to the bone!

We want to be out by the pool with a nice glass of 18-year-old
Scotch and a fine cigar in our hand!  (Or maybe we just want
to spend time with our spouse and kids at a family cookout).

But let's face it;  in order to be "lazy' (in other words, enjoy
life), ya gotta EARN the right to be lazy.  So there's nothing
wrong with that "lazy man's lifestyle," as long as it leads to
ACTION!  Like I said above, you don't have to work HARD,
you have to work SMART!

And this is exactly what the CFOCC system designed to do.
Get the picture?

--- because with the CFOCC System you're not just working smart,
you're working BRILLIANTLY! The CFOCC was designed from
the ground up to enable you to reach the point where you
can AFFORD to be lazy.

CFOCC System was designed so that you need only invest the
minimum amount of time (half an hour, once a day) to be
on your way to genuine Internet marketing success.

It's our SYSTEM that works hard, while YOU work S-M-A-R-T!

So go ahead and BE lazy while your CFOCC system---

+++  REDUCES your time online to 1/2 hour a day - ON AUTOPILOT!
+++  GENERATES unlimited, targeted prospects for you - ON AUTOPILOT!
+++  EARNS you multiple streams of residual income - ON AUTOPILOT!

This is the bottom line then: If you're the lazy kind (or should
I say, if you want to BE the lazy kind!), then you've come to the
right place!

Start Here NOW!

And don't you be shy...If you've got questions, I've got the answers. 
Gimme a phone call or email me.

In the meantime, have a terrific day!

Rich Oleszyk



SUBJECT:  Maximize you potential


I hope you are having an amazing day!

Whatever your fin.ancial situation is, you can change it with
online marketing but you need a simple system and quality
products that people already use daily.



To Your Extraordinary Success,

Rich Oleszyk

P.S. Start where you can...But Get Started NOW!
Your FUTURE & FORTUNE Depend on it!



SUBJECT: Great To Have You on Board!


It's [YOUR NAME] and I would like to WELCOME you to the
CFOCC System, a System that creates MILLIONAIRES.

Please take some time and get familiar with the system and understand
it thoroughly...Be sure to explore each affiliate program.

After you finish, you should know the answer to the following:

  1. Why it's possible to make so much in relatively short time (Starts with C)
  2. What one action will allow you to grow your organization fast. (Starts with D)

Next - Join as many programs as you can. (Your link here)

Next - Set up your marketing site.

Next - ACTION!

  1. Make a list of all the people you know that can benefit from the product or
      service and introduce  our program.
  2. Set up SMS Phone Leads and use daily.

In a year or two, if you follow the plan, you should be doing well, very well indeed!

Reach out to me if anything is not clear or you have questions.

Talk soon.

To Your Extraordinary Success,
Rich O
Cell:  201.637.xxxx

P.S. Start NOW. Your Future & Fortune Depend on it!


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