
  "Millionaires -In-The-Making"  
Millionaire Mentoring  & Training System©

Personal Develpoment

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. --Jim Rohn!

Life is unfair! Have you heard that one? I bet you did. But, that's just the way it is! We all wish that we were smarter, better looking, had more money, different parents and the list goes on and on and on...

So what can you do? Well, you can whine, get depressed, get mad or you can do something to change the current situation. 

Are you familiar with Nick Vujicic? Born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. Nick did not let the disease stop him. After many years of depression and struggle, the age of seventeen Nick started his own non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs, to help others cope with their own disabilities.

Nick has traveled to more then 54 countries as a motivational speaker got married and now is a father to a baby boy. Nick did not let his condition stop him. If Nick could change his life so can you! 

Life Without Limbs & Limit - Attitude!


Personal Development

We all have 24-hours in a day. Some make millions and some make only the minimum wage...Why? If you are making the minimum wage, it means that you are not very valuable to the marketplace. You lack the knowledge and the skills to warrant higher pay. So, how do you get from where you are now to where you wish to go?...Personal Development!

If you want to earn more, if you want to be more you must change the way you think and one of the best ways to accomplish it is through Personal Development.

To move to the next level read good books. Listen to sermons and lectures. Attend seminars, concerts, travel, and set your goals for the next year. Next 2 years. Next 5 years ... Get started now!


I look forward to meeting the new sophisticated and brilliant you if our paths should ever cross.

The material listed below will help you begin the metamorphosis from who you are now to who you desire and can be.




212 Degree Leadership

People Helping People and Together Achieving
What Individually Was Impossible! 

 I came across the letter posted below some time age and I would like to share it with you. It expresses precisely what Referral Marketing or Network Marketing is all about. People helping People and together achieving what individually was impossible.

 Success is a T.E.A.M. Sport!
  • T – Together
  • E – Everyone
  • A – Achieves 
  • M – More

The TNG President’s Letter
 "Network Marketing Jesus-Style!"
  What could Jesus teach Network Marketers? Ever considered that? Think about his networking skills. Jesus hand-picked twelve leaders. Over a three year period of time, he mentored them; trained them; equipped them, and transferred his vision to them. And through those twelve on organization began that’s lasted for 2,000 years.

Not exactly a flash in the plan. It has staying power.

It also crossed the national, political, cultural, and socio-economic boundaries of his world. What started small, spans the globe and includes millions. Duplication!

He’s the master.

  • Setting aside religion, what could we learn from Jesus about marketing?
  • About bringing together a group of people to accomplish a mission?  
  • What group-building principles did Jesus understand and apply?
  • What leadership ideas could we learn from him? 
  • What skills did he show that would benefit anyone who’s in the people business? 

What could Jesus teach us? For starters, focus on serving others. Jesus came with the mindset to put the interests of others above his own. That commonly marks the attitude of strong leaders who connect with people in  a way that raises them up to a new level of excellence.
During a “60 Minute” segment a few years back, Mike Wallace interviewed a Sherpa guide from Nepal. O.K. I know what’s a Sherpa? They are skilled mountain climbers who live on the southern slopes of the Himalayas.

Way back in 1953, when Sir Edmund Hillary finally became the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest, a Sherpa named Tenzing Norgay led the way. As it turned out, the world came to know the name Sir Edmund Hillary. He’s a legend. Yet, few have heard of Tenzing Norgay, the Sherpa guide who led him to the top.

Wallace asked his Sherpa guest the guide, “Why do you do it?”

“To help others do something they cannot do on their own,” the guide answered.

“But there are so many risks, so many dangers,” Wallace observed. “Why do you insist on taking people to the top of the mountain?”

Without hesitation, the guide said, “It’s obvious that you’ve never been to the top.” Jesus came to lead people to the top. He knew the way. And he fully embraced all the risks and the dangers. Why? Because he intended to serve instead of be served by the people he led. Want to start this very minute down the path of being successful at leading people and growing your network business? Then lose yourself in serving others. Jesus did.

On one occasion a family invited Jesus to a wedding. It promised to be the social event of the year for a small village of Cana in Galilee. But when the day rolled around, disaster struck.

They ran out of wine. Doesn’t sound like such a big deal, does it? Except that particular culture held hospitality as a sacred duty. Memories last long in a small village. Reputations stick. No more wine for guests would have been a social scar for this young couple to carry with them for the rest of their lives or at least as long as they lived in Cana.

What did Jesus do? He provided wine. The feast continued. The couple’s reputation went untarnished. It may not seem like a big deal to you and me. But Jesus knew how important it was to them.

And how important it would be for us to notice what a leader does. He serves, even when it’s an unnamed bride and groom in a tiny town off the beaten track.

When it comes to your business, do you look at others with the view of what can they do for you? How they can make money for you as customers or partners? How this next sale is going to qualify you for a bonus? How this next recruit is going to push you to the next leadership level?

Or have you made the shift to the Jesus-style? For you it’s about the other person and what you can do to help, assist, or encourage. You now see each partner as someone you can lead to the top of the mountain—one they might not reach otherwise.

Send a couple of minutes and make a list of four people you could serve today. Any four will do. If some prospects join your business,
or become customers that’s great!...Help four!

Choose four. Decide how to serve them today. Include at least one who can’t repay your service in any way. Be specific. Keep the focus on them, instead of thinking, ‘what’s in it for me?” Take action. Give your servant muscles a work out.

Focus on serving others... Network Marketing Jesus-Style.

To every wonderful possibility in your life!    --Rusty


After your first 4 sponsored people are well on their way you can sponsor one more and help him or her to do the same!

Warmest Regards,
Richard Oleszyk & Team


Thank You...Thank You...Thank You!

 Sponsor One Child Today!




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